Sunday, July 15, 2012


I sat down last Sunday afternoon and thought about what angles I could take for this assingment. I did this brainstorm and then went on an initial scout shoot, as I know that there has been some new building work happening since I last took a trip to the new part of the estate.

In the wording of the assingment, I am most interested in the part that says we need to think about representing people who live in our neighbourhood, or traces of them. I am really torn about the type of shoot to do, mostly torn between day and night shoots. I have done a few day shoots around here that I am happy with, but also want to try out night shooting around here.

I spent Sunday afternoon trying to find the drag racing (not on that day) then driving around to Phase 3 and then seeing how close I can get to Phase 5. But my little car would not make the last bit of the road! It feels quite deserted out there, although a couple of 4 wheel drive cars did go past me.

Here are a few of the shots:
 The Industrial Estate, looking to the new "Regency" houses
 The Industrial Estate
 The road to phase 5

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